Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pony Pigtails

(FYI, I've posted several entries today.)
After mastering the ponytail, we moved on to "pony pigtails" as Avi likes to call it. Yesterday, I fixed her hair in pigtails for school, and when I picked her up from my mom's yesterday, she still had them in! I was shocked. She was SO proud of them. They were really cute, too.

She had to show off the back of her pony pigtails.

Loving her daddy :)

A ponytail & an afternoon on campus

Avi's loved her first ponytail...although you wouldn't be able to tell by the picture! As I mentioned in the previous post, she has a habit of not wanting to smile for the camera. She's not unhappy; she just wouldn't give me a smile. All afternoon, she kept feeling her ponytail to make sure it was there! Doesn't she look like such a little girl with her hair pulled back?

A couple of weeks ago, we enjoyed a beautiful spring afternoon on the drill field at MSU. Avi thoroughly enjoyed playing in the water fountain. She got the entire front of her dress wet! She wasn't bothered by it, though. She also colored with some sidewalk chalk, but I wasn't able to get a good picture of that.

She made Drew climb all the stairs in front of Swalm with her. The girl loves to climb stairs.

Had to throw this one in. Last summer, Avi's cousin, AnnaClaire, passed a cool Barbie Jeep down to her, and I finally bought a replacement battery for it last week. She loved riding in it last summer (even though she couldn't steer it; we just got her going in a circle and she loved it!). However, this summer she just wants to sit in it and pretend to drive. Why did I spend money on a battery if she doesn't want to ride in it, I don't know! Hopefully as the summer goes on, she will get used to it again and actually "drive" it! Looks like Drew is enjoying it more than Avi! I think he was trying to coax her into driving it.

The fake smile

It's official. I think we have entered the fake smile era, if she will give one at all! Lately when I'm taking her picture, she either turns her head and won't look at the camera, won't smile at all OR she gives me the fake smile. Lovely :).

Notice the shoes in this picture...she LOVES to wear my shoes, and these have been her favorites lately. She clomps around like they are her shoes. It's pretty funny.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Such a poser!

Drew took Avi swimming at the Sanderson Center (indoor pool) a couple of weekends ago, and before we left the house, I told her to let me take a picture of her in her cute swimsuit. She immediately gave me this pose, and Drew and I died out laughing!
Have no idea where that came from!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

She's graduated...

That's right, she's finally graduated to her "big girl" toddler bed! Yes, I know she is 2 and a half, but she never once tried to climb out of her bed or even attempted to get out of her bed. However, with a baby sister coming who will also need to use the crib, we decided it was time for Avi to start transitioning into a big girl bed. I must say she has done VERY well so far. She has not tried to get out of her bed at night or during nap time, which of course has been my fear, especially since she has always been such a good sleeper.

Her new favorite pastime is putting all of her stuffed animals in her bed (and anything else she can find) and playing with/reading to them. Lots of fun.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a conference in Memphis. Avi stayed mostly with Drew, and I think they had a pretty good time. The above picture was taken on Sunday morning before they went to church. Drew said he was kneeling down trying to take a picture of her and she decided she needed to bend down as well!

Of course, she also napped really well while I was out of town...Drew had to wake her up from a nap because she had slept so long. Too sweet.

And this, well, we found this big guy on our back patio one evening. Drew went outside to put something in his truck, and he found this huge turtle. Crazy.

Avi Grace's first haircut (before & after!)