Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Greetings from Destin


Well, we got to Destin yesterday and got to go to the beach late yesterday afternoon. This was Avi Grace's first trip to the beach, and she loved it! She played in the sand and let the water run up over her feet. She had a great time yesterday! I'll post more pics when we get home this weekend. Have a great week!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Visit with Cousins

On Monday we got to visit with Laura, my cousin, and her daughter Taylor, aunt Betty Sue and Uncle Wimp! They were kind enough to drive all the way to Starkville from Rolling Fork to visit with us. This was the first time for Laura and Taylor to meet Avi Grace, and only the second time for me to see Taylor! We had a very nice visit, and I am so thankful they took the time to come and visit! Yes, Laura, I know what you are saying right now...I only posted a picture of the back of your head! Blame it on your mom! She took the pictures! Just kidding aunt Betty Sue!!
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy 90th Birthday Memom (yesterday!)

Memom and Avi Grace 
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The Anthony Family 

On Saturday, we went to a wonderful SURPRISE 90th birthday party for Drew's grandmother, affectionately known in our family as Memom. We had so much fun. Memom seemed very surprised! We got to visit with cousins that we don't get to see very often. We got to meet the newest addition to the family, little Hannah (Drew's cousin's daughter). Thanks Gwen and Johnny (Drew's aunt and uncle) for hosting all of us and for making this such a special birthday for Memom!
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Friday, May 9, 2008

Daddy's Mishap

Well, before this morning I thought Daddy's were good for something (yes, I know that sounds harsh...keep reading). Last night I took dinner to a friend who had a baby a few weeks ago and then went to a movie with some friends. Drew stayed home with Avi Grace. When I left he had her in the Baby Bjorn and they were having a good time. He gave her a bath and got her dressed for bed and fed her a bottle. Then he put her down for the night as usual. When I got home she was sound was great. However, this morning I was in the shower when he got her up to feed her. When I saw that she was up, I went over to tell her good morning and my conversation with Drew went like this:

Drew: " You are never going to guess what I did last night."
Kelli: "What?"
Drew: "When I put her sleeper on her last night and put her down, I forgot to put a diaper on her."
Kelli: "You did what?"
Drew: "I forgot to put a diaper on her. The whole bed is soaked and she was soaked when I went in to get her this morning."
Kelli: "You are kidding right????!!"
Drew: "No."
Kelli: "How in the world could you forget to put a diaper on the child?"
Drew: "Well, you didn't put a diaper out for me like you did the other stuff."

EXCUSE ME????? Did my husband and my child's father just try to blame that fact that he did not put a diaper on our child on me?? Could he be serious about this?? Yes, he was!

So, Avi Grace slept all night in wet clothes and in a wet bed. She never cried once. What a tough, or very sleep little girl, we have! I cannot believe that she never cried or did anything to let us know that she was wet. Oh my poor sweetheart. Needless to say I gave her a bath this morning! She didn't seem too traumatized about the event. I sure am glad Drew found her like that this morning instead of me! And, thankfully I keep a waterproof "sheet" on top of her regular sheet on her bed, so all I had to do was take that off and the bed was fine...thankfully!

All in all, Drew is a great Dad most of the time. Last night's mishap was just one of those you have to tell because it is so darn funny and amazing that he could have actually done that. I'm sure it won't be the last stupid thing either one of us does when it comes to raising our child! Hope you got a good laugh from that one!

Had to share! Have a good weekend!

Monday, May 5, 2008

New Photos

I meant to post this with the last pictures, but I forgot! About a week ago I took Avi Grace to have some pictures made. We spent about an hour and a half with 2 very talented photographers, Sarah Berry and Melissa Bell, in Mathiston, MS. We had a lot of fun taking pictures! Click on the link below to go to the photographers' blog where they have posted some of Avi Grace's pictures. You will have to scroll down some to find Avi Grace, but they are fantatstic! I got an email last night saying they had the proofs for me to look at...42 of them! I'm not sure how in the world I am going to choose! Enjoy looking at the pictures!

deja vu Photography

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Such a big girl!

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Avi Grace is getting to be such a big girl! Yesterday I was getting ready when Avi Grace woke up, so Drew fixed her bottle and changed her diaper. He needed to brush his teeth so he could go outside to help vaccinate all of the calves we have running around here. Anyway, because we were both in the middle of getting ready, Drew propped Avi Grace up on some pillows on our bed, and she fed herself!! It was pretty funny!

Today we went to Brandon, MS to see Avi Grace's cousin, Madison, get baptized. It was a sweet baptism, and it was fun to visit with the whole family. Congratulations, Madison, on your baptism! We are proud of you!

Avi Grace's first haircut (before & after!)